MA Thesis - Design in Creative Industries: Creative Industries Fund NL and The Case of Turkey

İstanbul Bilgi University, Cultural Management Master’s Degree Program, 2021

ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the role of design as part of creative industries within the cultural policy measures and practices in Turkey, referring to the model of Dutch creative industries policy. Principally, the positioning of creative industries and design within policy documents in Europe has been investigated. Hence, in these reports, it is seen that the focuses are always in a similar direction. Innovation, contribution to growth and competitiveness stand out as the main features of design. Furthermore, the structure of creative industries in the Netherlands, practices of Creative Industries Fund NL and the relationship between the stakeholders of the Dutch design field are investigated. Particularly, the programmes, grants and projects of Creative Industries Fund NL are explained in detail. Design in Turkish cultural policy and development plans, the stakeholders of the Turkish design field, design practices in Turkey are examined. In-depth interviews have been conducted with design professionals in Turkey to understand the current state of the sector. Finally, a comparative analysis with the positioning of design within the Dutch and Turkish cultural policy is carried out.

Stimuleringsfonds Dutch cultural policy